Watch 20 Years Of Kompakt ADE party video recap

DGTL presents 20 years of Kompakt from DGTL festival on Vimeo.

As we are slowly crawling back to life for another working week, we're still totally stoked about about last Saturday's epic 20 Years of Kompakt ADE party at the NDSM docks... this must have been one of the mightiest parties we've ever experienced and tons of thanks go out to the artists performing at their absolute best, an awesome crowd and the great DGTL crew who presented the whole shebang. It's from the latter that we also got this cool video giving you a quick impression of just how good this event felt - it's a beautiful conclusion to a successful week at ADE and the last stop of our pop up store on tour. Rave on!

October 21th 2013

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